AOC Bulletin 2 v02 – New An updated version of the carnival Bulletin Two is now available on Eventor. Important notice This new version replaces the previous version and includes significant changes. The organising team requests that you remove the earlier version from your devices and replace with this new version. If you have printed the previous version, again please destroy it and print this current version. Changes include, but are not limited to: Goldfields 3-Day changed to pre-allocated start times & new start procedure Changes to course opening and closing times Changes to start locations Important Technical & General section updates/changes. Find Bulletin 2 v02 HERE for ink friendly version and HERE for standard version. Potential weather related changes The weather patterns have not been kind to Victoria over the last couple of months with the competition terrain having received a lot of rainfall. OV’s resident weather forecasters, yes there a several, have not provided any commitment on if the area will experience more rain before the carnival or not. Additional rain may mean some changes may be required to parking arrangements, and in extreme conditions to a couple of events and their start locations. Please keep checking Eventor and the AOC website for further weather related updates and be prepared to car pool. Start Lists and EOD Start Lists and Enter on the Day details are being published on Eventor this week. Share this