Melbourne City Race, Sunday 17 November – Results, Maps, Photos

The 5th Melbourne City Race at Port Melbourne will mainly be remembered for some wild weather! The day started off sunny, warm, and calm.  Then mid-morning, westerly wind squalls came through, playing havoc with tents and flags, while papers blew everywhere as we madly scrambled to secure everything.  Meanwhile at the Start, there was a huge crash as a tree toppled nearby, damaging cars belonging to nearby residents. At the same time we had to reposition a control, whose location was causing a building alarm to go off.   Then came the rain …  All part of City Racing.  Most people completed their course and stayed dry, and the presentations and random prize draw went ahead as planned.  By the time we packed up, the sun was back!  Gotta love Melbourne in spring.

With over 150 participants, this was the year’s biggest event.  We welcomed a team of 15 from Victoria University (VUPA), who had a fantastic time and loved the experience.  Congratulations to successful team members Narangerel, Tahseen and Ali!

We had some super close results on most courses, with results decided by mere seconds – and even a dead heat for first on W4, between Sophie A and Sophie T!  Congratulations to all placegetters.  

The Melbourne City Race will be back bigger and better than ever, in November 2025!

Results and Splits




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