Learn to Orienteer at Princes Park, Feb 1-15 Want to cement the foundations of your orienteering skills? Got friends who are keen to try? Melbourne Forest Racer’s Learn to Orienteer program might be just the ticket! Over a 3-week program, our coaches will help you learn and practice the skills needed to confidently take on an orienteering course. Come along and see where orienteering can take you! You’ll learn: – How to understand a detailed orienteering map and use a compass – The orienteering skills you need to navigate from one point to another – How to complete an orienteering course Who: Anyone who wants to learn the basics of orienteering. Perhaps you did it on school camp or have done an event or two, and want to learn the skills in a fun and interactive way. Note: juniors under 18 must have a parent/guardian present for the session, however, activities will be designed so that everyone can participate and learn together. When: 3-week program on Saturday mornings, 1st, 8th and 15th of February. 9am to 11am. Where: Princes Park (near the corner of Bowen Crescent and Garton St) Cost: $30 adult, $15 junior, $60 family (this covers the 3 sessions) Sign up here! Email mfracers@gmail.com for more information. Share this