BendiGo ToDay is Back! February 15-16 This is the 18th running of this event, held around Mid-February, so that everyone can get back into Orienteering, before Autumn, and when the traditional season starts. This year we will be using Wildflower Drive for the Sunday morning Hagaby. This was the very first colour map (known then as Splitters Creek) that I ran on, way back in 1981, so it holds a special place for me. Saturday evening’s event will be on the nearby Catherine McAuley College. Hopefully the cricketers will have gone home by the time we start. Three courses are on offer: A (3km and 10km, hard navigation), B (2km and 6km, hard navigation) and C (1.5km and 4km, moderate navigation). Start anytime from 6:30pm-7pm for the Saturday event (15th Feb) and the mass-start on the Sunday (16th Feb) will be at 8:30am. Entries for those that are paid-up club members, will be $11 per day/run, or $16 for non-members. For Course 3, it is $6 per day/run. for members and non-members. Early entries close on Thursday midnight, 13 Feb. You can still enter until 7 pm Friday 14 Feb, with a 25% surcharge. Enter online via Eventor, where an Information Flyer (and a snippet of Wildflower Drive) is now available. Share this