Victorians (present and past) feature in WOC team The team selected to represent Australia at the World Orienteering Championships in Latvia in August has just been announced, with strong representation from present and past Victorians. It is also notable for the inclusion of mother and son combination, Natasha and Aston Key. The full team is: Sprint Belinda Lawford Natasha Key Krystal Neumann Brodie Nankervis Aston Key Henry McNulty Sprint Relay Belinda Lawford Krystal Neumann Henry McNulty Brodie Nankervis Middle Vanessa Round Matt Crane Matt Doyle Relay Belinda Lawford Natasha Key Krystal Neumann Matt Crane Matt Doyle Brodie Nankervis Long Natasha Key Matt Crane Bryan Keely Congratulations to all team members from Orienteering Victoria. Share this