Saturday Afternoon Park Street Orienteering

For fitness and fun

Everyone is welcome

Enjoy an evening stroll or a more strenuous challenge.  Walk, jog or run – be as competitive or as casual as you like while getting to know your parklands and suburbs. Courses for runners and walkers. Are you looking for new training options or just a fun way to exercise? Park Street Orienteering caters for all.

Saturday Afternoon Series: April to September.  Enquiries: Peter, 0407 345 368; or email

The Saturday Afternoon Series features family friendly events which are perfect for newcomers, with a stronger focus on using parkland, and often with colour maps.  As well as regular park/street events, we also hold one or two EndurO events each season – these are twice as long, twice as many controls, and twice as much fun!

Summer Surfside Series:  January.  Enquiries:  Jenny, 0458 358 194; or email

A popular holiday series on the Bellarine Peninsula, this series features four events on Saturday afternoons, perfectly timed for a swim and dinner afterwards.

Saturday events use the MapRun smartphone app.  Download MapRun for your phone, or MapRunG for your bluetooth-enabled watch.  Instructions available at the events.

You will also need your smartphone to enter using OTrack. No Smartphone? Ask us to assist – we’ll get you moving!

Saturday Morning Training:  10am Saturdays during summer – free of charge.  Park street training sessions consist of a 1 hour Score course, using the MapRun smartphone app.   Practice navigating at your own pace, without the pressure of competition.  There is usually a meetup afterwards where you can compare notes over a coffee; using MapRun allows you to measure your improvement.  Printed maps are provided.

Training is not just for participants – learn how to set a course.  For mappers, training mornings are a great way to have new maps field tested.

Saturday Afternoon Events

April to September

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Saturday Results

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