Primary Schools Champs

Further information will be posted here in early 2021

Until then please contact the OV Schools Officer for more information

OV Schools    or 0498 008 392

Which event can my school enter?

You should enter the event that is most convenient for you. Ideally this is your ‘local’ championship, but due to other commitments you may find it preferable to enter a different event. There are no restrictions on which school can enter which championship.




Start time

Students will start at 1 – 2 minute intervals, starting at 10.30am.

Finishing time

The Award Presentation will be held at approximately 1.00pm

Further information including car and coach parking information, individual start times and sample maps will be sent out at the end of April.

Champion School Scoring

  • “Champion School” points will be earned by the top 10 finishers in each age category: 1st place = 10pt, 2nd = 9pt, etc.
  • A maximum of 3 finishers from a school may score points in each age category (only the top 3 finishers from each school are counted).
  • “Champion School” will be awarded at each regional championship.

Age Categories

Age categories have been altered this year to improve the competition and streamline event management. The “pairs” categories have been amalgamated into a single age class containing both single-sex and mixed pairs. There is no “A” or “B” definition. All courses are of easy navigation difficulty with variation in distance for the different year levels.

GRADE 3 (1.0km) Girls SOLO Boys SOLO PAIRS
GRADE 4 (2.0km) Girls SOLO Boys SOLO PAIRS
GRADE 5 (2.5km) Girls SOLO Boys SOLO PAIRS
GRADE 6 (3.0km) Girls SOLO Boys SOLO PAIRS

Courses are set along handrails such as tracks and fences but may include the option to navigate “across country”. Route Choice will be a feature for grades 5 + 6, with participants choosing from a range of possible routes between controls. Controls are located either on or adjacent to handrail features.

The expected winning time for each course is 20min

Entry forms are available at the bottom of the page. Once your entry has been received you will be sent an entry invoice. The entry fee is $10 per student or $15 per pair. For more information please contact Rob 0428 358 588

Victorian Primary Schools Championships Entry Form

  • NamePhone NumberEmail 
    Add additional teachers / relevant parents and volunteers as necessary
  • First NameLast Name 
  • First NameLast Name 
  • First StudentSecond Student 
    $7.50 per student ($15 per pair) Pairs may be mixed or single sex.
  • First NameLast Name 
  • First NameLast Name 
  • First StudentSecond Student 
    $7.50 per student ($15 per pair) Pairs may be mixed or single sex.
  • First NameLast Name 
  • First NameLast Name 
  • First StudentSecond Student 
    $7.50 per student ($15 per pair) Pairs may be mixed or single sex.
  • First NameLast Name 
  • First NameLast Name 
  • First StudentSecond Student 
    $7.50 per student ($15 per pair) Pairs may be mixed or single sex.
  • Orienteering Victoria may take photos or video of competitors to be published on the OV web page and in the media to celebrate their achievements. OV will publish the names of individual place-getters with their school names on the OV website. If you wish to have a student’s name and/or images withheld, please detail your requirements (and specific student's names) within the text box. This is an opt-out process as is consistent with School Sport Victoria policy.

School Memberships

School Memberships have been revised in 2019. Memberships are now free, but do not confer an entry discount to school events. For more info about school memberships and benefits, please visit:


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